Monday, February 15, 2010

Vacation: Productive/Not

Well, after taking vacation days to rehearse for the Francis Fugue tunes, we accomplished a good deal despite not recording on Thursday as planned. John wanted to wait until we could have Jeremy record with us at the same time. That did give me some free time in which to get my car repaired after the alternater gave out on me. On to this week. Chance Jones practice went well as we were working on a couple of newies that will be very cool and worked out the three songs to be played at the Jammies on Tuesday. We will be playing 'Love Still Wild' then moving along to 'Alone With Him' through an uninterrupted segue that ties the two together. It was sounding really cool last night, so I'm looking forward to it. Lastly, we'll finish it off with 'My Machine.'(One of my personal favorites.) Then on Wednesday there's the usual expunk practice prior to the weekly Chance Jones show at the B.O.B. Saturday evening brings an unbelieveable show of local talent with Ghost Heart, Charles The Osprey AND Paucity playing at Founders. This show will blow your mind. Color me geeked. Life is good.