Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Prospecto Artprize Prospecto Artprize!!!!!!!!!

Oops. It's been a few weeks since I've posted anything on here and numerous things have gone on since. So many that I think I may have to skip out on most. Some fun shows played and good times with friends for sure. A lot of that has also been preparation for the Prospecto Musical Showcase which is TWO DAYS FROM NOW! Wow, how it has crept up rather quickly on us all. There are so many unbelievable groups playing and it's right here in our fair city of Grand Rapids. Not only that, but Artprize is going on at the same time! I'm excited to go see a lot of art on my day off tomorrow and will be taking a lot of pictures before heading to expunk then Chance Jones practice. So much to do, so much to do. Here's each night's schedule of groups and venues for Prospecto. You can also visit their site at: http://prospectogr.com/

You can also gather as much, if not more information than you could ever handle about Artprize here: http://www.artprize.org/

If I hear anyone in this city say that they are bored with nothing to do anytime soon, I may just have to smack 'em. Actually I won't. I couldn't bring myself to do that. Life is good!

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